Friday, March 30, 2012

Bring on the Second Trimester!

Today marks the beginning of the second trimester and at long last the end of the first.  Now if only the morning sickness would take the hint and hit the road!  Our last ultrasound was at 12 weeks, and though I already posted the ultrasound pictures on Facebook, you'll see them again here.

We saw another Dr at the practice, and he was a pretty funny guy.  The ultrasound was a bit more in depth than previous ones and we really felt excited to see our little babies.  At first glace we were really blown away at how baby-ish they were already looking.  Baby A, which was on the left hand side, was face first and apparently asleep in a zen-like pose.  The little baby arms were by its side and legs were crossed up underneath.  The Dr kept saying that it looked like an alien, which we both found a little odd (we're proud people, don't call my baby an alien!).  Measurements of Baby A showed a length of 6.33cm, almost 2 inches long!  As you can see in the picture Baby A is measuring at 13w0d, which puts it 4 days ahead of my official count.  The second picture shows Baby A's heartbeat, which the Dr said was strong.

Now on to Baby B.... if this ultrasound was any indication of their personality types, they couldn't be more different.  While Baby A was calm and still, Baby B was moving all around.  Legs were kicking, arms were moving, body was squirming.  It was just about the coolest thing to see that little person moving around, knowing that it's growing inside of me.  Baby B measured just a day behind Baby A, at 6.2 cm. Unfortunately the Dr forgot to take extra pictures of Baby B, so we only got one shot while he was listening to the heartbeat.
After seeing Baby B moving around so much, Kevin made a comment that Baby A was so still, so the Dr took it upon himself to change that.  While the ultrasound machine was focused on Baby A the Dr began poking my belly, and sure enough Baby A was woken up and started jumping around.  We have video that Kevin took with his iPhone, so as soon as we upload it to YouTube we'll add it to the blog!

Kevin and I were on cloud nine as we left the Dr's office.  Kevin's theory is that Baby A is a boy, and like him, Baby A is calm and mild mannered.  He thinks that Baby B is a girl, and like me, she's a bit wild and crazy.  While we are definitely hoping for one of each (I mean, who wouldn't?) we are going to be thrilled whatever they are.

As of today, the babies are the size of lemons!  Our books tell us that this week they're developing their voices and their spines are starting to straighten out.  They might even begin growing hair this week!
 Almost forgot the belly picture!  This is the 13-week bump!

Our next appointment is in two weeks and the Dr said they will attempt to determine gender (obviously if the babies cooperate).  If and when we find out, we're going to share the news with our family first before revealing the genders online.  But I think it would be great to see what everyone's opinion on genders are... so leave a comment and let me know if you think Team Blue (two boys), Team Pink (two girls) or Team Purple (one of each).

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Better Late Than Never

I have been a completely lousy blogger!  We had our last ultrasound at 8w5d and I haven't uploaded the pictures yet.  As most of you know, I've had awful morning sickness, so I'm just going to blame my lack of updates on that.  No one can blame me!  :)

Ok, on to the pictures... 8 weeks, 5 days:
In this picture you can see Baby A, and the sac of Baby B.  They measured almost 19 mm, 4 times what they were 2 weeks previously!!
And here is Baby B.  The good news this early in a twin pregnancy is that they're growing at the same rate.  
At 8 weeks they were the size of kidney beans, just 1/2 an inch long.

Our next appointment is tomorrow (seriously I realize how awful it is to post this today).  I'm really excited because tomorrow they're actually going to look like little babies!!

I promise I won't wait until the day before the next appointment to update.  I'm now 12 weeks and the babies are the size of limes!  They're a little over 2 inches long and they're starting to move their arms and legs!  I'm really hoping to watch them move on the ultrasound tomorrow.  So far our ultrasounds have been pretty quick, find the babies and the heartbeats and done.  Kev and I are both hoping for a more in depth scan this time around.

We also wanted to update everyone on our moving status.  We're still waiting for the Army to give us official orders, but for the moment we're hoping to move around June.  Kev and I are tentatively talking about sending me home (to Orlando) a few weeks early just to be on the safe side.  Then Kev will take a week to visit and we'll be off to Ft. Carson!  I'm really excited that we're going to be back in the states for all the exciting parts, we're so happy that we'll have family close by.

Stay tuned for the next update... it should be coming soon! (Or pester me until I do)

I also need to take a belly picture, but trust me... that's not going to happen today!  :)